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Scheduled Events that Support Social Enterprises

Social enterprises are among the biggest drivers of social change in the world today. This is why they are popping up in most local communities globally. These organisations come up with solutions to cultural, social, and environmental challenges.

The world over, there are regular conventions that bring together social entrepreneurs to share and exchange ideas. Here are some of the best upcoming events for entrepreneurs.

GSG Impact Summit

The Global Steering Group hosts the annual GSG Impact Summit. Venues are announced several months before the event dates that take place from the 6th to the 8th of October. Last year’s event, initially scheduled for South Africa, took place online after the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

However, the annual GSG summit will be hosted online from the 6th to the 8th of October 2021.

Different speakers from government, IT, business, economics, finance, academia, among others, will grace the event. The main themes are mobilising capital for impact, emerging economies, green and social solutions, and transparency.

Attendees can expect keynote speeches, comprehensive discussions, and solutions to identified problems.

Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF)

SEWF is among the most influential social enterprise events, attracting thousands of innovators and investors globally. The event has moved to a new location since 2008. Last year, it was hosted virtually because of the Coronavirus containment measures.

This year’s hybrid event will be held in Brisbane, where people can participate virtually or in person. Four themes were highlighted; the SEWF 2021 (28th -29th September), Rural Forum (27th -28th October), Academic Forum (16th -17th November), and Policy Forum held earlier from (27th -28th April 2021).

Ashoka Changemaker Summit (ACMS)

The summit takes place in Turin every December. However, online discussion forums and networking begin from September before the main summit. ACMS is among the largest online events for both system-changing entrepreneurs and social go-getters globally.

The social event connects a huge community of leaders and world-leading social investors from business, government, private sector, and philanthropy.

This year’s summit focuses on promoting changes in different areas like climate, technology, children, youth, women, and diversity. The sessions will encourage learning and building trust.

ChangeNow Summit

ChangeNow is renowned as an event that provides for discovering, testing, and discussing solutions to pertinent global problems. This year’s event was held virtually from the 27th to the 29th of May.

Attendees can always expect to interact with like-minded people while engaging in meaningful conversations. Organisers also invite people who have pioneered excellent changes in their societies. With more than 1000 solutions provided, 500 speakers, and more than 250 hours of exclusive content, this is an event worth attending!

If you are a social entrepreneur, the above effect holds great potential to open your mind and to help you grow. Some of them are virtual, hence very easy and convenient to attend.